Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Day

It was picture day today for Ainsley. Getting her hair brushed was tough. Paul did the brushing and I did 2 small braids. One on each side of her face. I wanted to do a French Braid, but she wasn't interested. Paul got her into the outfit I picked out with a small adjustment. She didn't want to wear the leggings with her dress. I'm okay with that.
It was Anna's afternoon with Mommy. I picked her up at 11:00 and we played until it was her nap time. She woke up just in time to pick Ainsley up from French class.
We stopped at Blockbuster to return a movie. I had some library books to return and it ended up being a trip to the library. Ainsley and Anna picked out books. I wanted to pick something, but Anna pooped and I didn't have any diapers/wipes with me. So we headed home and just beat Paul home. I was changing Anna's diaper when I heard him open the garage door.
I've been cutting paper and trying to get ready for my recipe book class tomorrow. I'm nervous. Quite a few people invited a friend to come with them. It could mean some new customers.
I took pictures today, but didn't get them off the camera yet. I'll try to do that on Saturday. I think I'll be pretty busy tomorrow, so why lie to myself.

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