Sunday, October 12, 2008

My first entry

Well, I guess I'm a blogger now. I've made an effort to do a livejournal every day. It's worked. I've decided that I'm up to having a blog. I'm actually jumping on the NieNie bandwagon. I just started reading her. She inspires me, so I'm going to try. I love the idea of not being a buckethead mom. I admire how much she loves her husband. I want to love my life and myself as much as she does. She is an inspiration.

We took Ainsley and Anna shopping this afternoon. Ainsley was more interested in sitting in chairs and watching cartoons at Gymboree than actually pick out clothes. But she agreed to everything. We'll see if it lasts. She also got some new shoes at Stride Rite. It was a pricey day, but she'll have things that fit her. It's all good.

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